The long-running hit Brooklyn comedy show PRETTY GOOD FRIENDS hits the road this spring for a tour featuring NY comedy hero EUGENE MIRMAN (Bob’s Burgers, Flight of the Conchords) and legendary UK comedian DANIEL KITSON on his first ever US tour. Called “the Salinger of stand up…the most sought after standup of his generation” (The Guardian) and “a national institution,” (Telegraph), Daniel Kitson is a multi-award winning comedian and this tour will offer US audiences a rare opportunity to see this legend live.
“The best mix of format and talent for a comedy show…screwball stand-up, stories, skits, and short films.” [New York Magazine]
Pretty Good Friends was hailed “New York’s Best Indie Comedy Night” by New York Magazine, and this spring the celebrated New York comedy mainstay embarks on its second tour in May. Pretty Good Friends, produced and curated by long-time collaborators Eugene Mirman and Julie Smith, originally launched in 2006 is an intimate evening of innovative standup comedy and polished chaos that sometimes includes short films or music. It also spawned the world’s first sincere-and-ironic comedy festival, aptly named the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival, now in its sixth successful year in Brooklyn and second year in Boston this May.
Brooklyn resident Eugene Mirman escaped the clutches of Russian communism at the age of four when his family immigrated from Moscow to Lexington, MA (where along with Paul Revere and...
Read MoreComedy – it’s the new rock ‘n’ roll, innit? All the best ones have superstar status, and sell out Wembley-sized gigs. They have their faces on T shirts and a...
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