The Vibro Champs

Thirty years is a long time for a band to exist. For a bit of context, The Beatles lasted roughly one decade. Despite immense commercial success, the members of Cream could only stand each other’s constant company for three years. The Miles Davis Nonet, that cut the landmark Birth of the Cool session, flourished for just a few glorious weeks. And while The Rolling Stones gamely plow on, only two original members -- The Glimmer Twins -- remain.

The Vibro Champs, on the other hand, are entering their fourth decade. Still alive and well, and breathing hard! These guys rock with the energy of teenagers. Indeed, when they whip out a surprise cover of The Undertones’ classic, “Teenage Kicks,” there’s not a smidgen of nostalgia or irony, just power and pleasure.

Men forever on a musical mission, in it for the long haul, The Vibro Champs deliver roots-rock, rockabilly, country boogie, and lounge swing, with punk rawness and intensity. Their often fierce, happy sound is more nitro than retro. And while the band has spread out around the globe -- with different members putting down roots in Austin, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Arizona, even Switzerland for a few years -- they’ve always called the Twin Cities their spiritual home, always regrouped for gigs and mini-tours, and never seriously contemplated splitting up.

For the uninitiated, the band made their recording debut in 1993, with The Stimulating Sound of The Vibro Champs. Never was an album title more apt! They have opened shows for their heroes, Ronnie Dawson (R.I.P.) and El Vez. They’ve appeared as the house band on Comedy Central’s nationally-broadcast series, Let’s Bowl. They’ve recorded with Jim Sundquist, of the legendary Fendermen. They’ve been caught on video by pioneering rock filmmaker, Chuck Statler. And the combo starred in a brief, very cool flick simply called, “The Vibro Champs Documentary” -- check it out on YouTube. What highlights will their fourth decade bring? Stay tuned, folks.

Unstoppable frontman Dave Wolfe (guitar, vocals), currently resides in the fabled ghost town of Jerome, Arizona. Out in the desert, Wolfe’s busy compiling a “Sci-Fi Western” cultural museum, helming a new recording studio, and starting his own non-profit record label. He recently did some recording with Hunt Sales (Soupy’s kid), known for his fine work with Lou Reed and Iggy Pop.

Suave fellow frontman, Alan Subola (guitar, vocals), the Vibro Champs’ ace songwriter, can be seen regularly about town with The Bad Companions, and Kinda Fonda Wanda, a Wanda Jackson tribute band. Subola’s a veteran of Phil Gnarly & The Tough Guys and The Mood Swings. His songs formed the core of both those bands’ sets, as well.

Stand-up bassist Bill Keefe is also a Bad Companion -- nominally, not in real life. And he was Tough Guy, too. Heck, Subola and Keefe have been playing together since they were both high-schoolers in Madison, Wisconsin. Like I said, these guys are in it for the long haul.

Rock solid Morris Engel rounds out the line-up on drums. A veteran of the Hot Head Swing Band, he can also be seen these days in the amusing throwback country band, The Saddle Sores, plus keeping the rockabilly beat for Kinda Fonda Wanda.

You can expect to hear a truckload of Vibro Champs “hits,” favorites and choice covers at the big anniversary show. “Breathe Hard,” “Dance With The Fat Daddy,” “Dig Me a Hole,” “High Noon,” “Magic Eight Ball,” “Shout Bamalama,” and the song that’s become a comic epic over the years, “Foreign Affair” -- they’ll likely play ‘em all.

Past Shows

Turf Club
Turf Club

The Vibro Champs

★ Local Show ★
with Cindy Lawson and DJ Kitty

More Shows

The Fitzgerald Theater

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The Cedar Cultural Center

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