Electronic duo Tender Meat have packed the back rooms and alleys of Minneapolis for years. While their seedy digital/analog live sets are the stuff of Twin Cities urban legend, their albums are the only solid proof that the time you saw them play in the deepest depths of the city wasn’t just a figment of your imagination. Tender Meat is real. While the the duo split the duties of keyboard and drums, Andy Fritz and Joe Coe share the task of creating Tender Meat’s electronic oddness.
And there’s no doubt, Tender Meat is a cyber oddity: a band for the AOL age. Prodigy and CompuServe simply will not do anymore. After releasing albums on the acclaimed Moon Glyph and Night People labels, Totally Gross National Product is proud to announce the release of Hello World, the latest installment in the Tender Meat library. With their noisy mix of house, ambient and electronic experimentation, Tender Meat make it clear: “You’ve got mail!"