Song Preservation Society started is Trevor Bahnson, Ethan Glazer and Daniel Wright. Their debut EP, Ready Room, was recorded in the fall of 2012 with guidance from the much-respected Nino Moschella, master of coaxing masterful production out of a modest multitrack. Ready Room is Song Preservation Society’s from-the-heart music brought to full and beautiful life with brass and woodwinds and strings and even fuzz guitar. It’s seven songs with a strange kind of purity that points to something timeless. In 1966, it could have fit between the Beach Boys, Simon and Garfunkel and Love; in 1976, it’d make people think of the last Big Star album; right now it shines through bands like Fleet Foxes and The Shins to be a ray of light all its own. When they started out, they might have picked that name just for fun. But on Ready Room, they’ve really made something worth preserving.