Dr. William Pierce is the founder and CEO of 2nd Chance Outreach, a Twin Cities-based nonprofit that focuses on community development; closing financial and healthcare disparities gaps; mentoring young African American males; and ministering to the incarcerated. He is a playwright, actor, theatrical and musical producer, and promoter. Pierce is also an adjunct faculty at Minneapolis College in Minneapolis, MN.
As a playwright, Dr. Pierce has written, directed and produced several works of art that address many social issues that plague communities of color. These works or art fall in line with the mission of 2nd Chance Outreach, which is serving and educating individuals and communities about healthcare and financial management. This mission has been carried out through education, outreach, and collaboration with several community partnerships. The organization's primary focus is healthcare awareness, financial education, healthy living, family, and to promote community development, which brings to life their slogan, Using Art Form to Transform. Most recently, Dr. Pierce wrote an anthology that details and outlines the history of Gospel Music. This production is so inspirational, educational and well received that requests have been made for the production to be brought to other states.
Pierce believes that faith, love, and hope are the most essential aspects of one’s interactions with God (faith), family and community (love); and reasons for living (hope). He also believes that education which leads to knowledge, and application are crucial elements of one’s Christian growth and knowledge of God. This is the main reason that through his preaching and productions, he encourages the application of biblical application into our everyday lives.
Pierce was recently awarded the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree; he holds a Master of Divinity from Bethel Seminary and bachelor’s degrees in business, Christian counseling, and marketing. He serves as an Associate Pastor at Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Minneapolis; the assistant director of the Minnesota State Baptist Convention Associate Ministers’ Division; and is a member of the National Baptist Convention media team.