Born in a rural Illinois town, Jason is the product of traditional small town living. The youngest of 3, Jason grew up with the “nose to the grindstone” mentality. Jason’s musical roots started in grade school choirs. Singing, entertaining and just plain goofin’ off have always been his calling card. However, it wasn’t until his college years that he began to realize what he was meant to do. With the help of his trusted right hand man Dave Caughran, Jason blazed a trail with wreckless abandon in a cover band out of Eastern Illinois University.
As time and travels moved on, Jason began returning to his roots with songwriting about life and experiences. The covers gave way to original music and the passion for life took hold of his identity. Influenced by traditional country music and rock n roll, Jason’s style is a mixture of train beats, guitars, drinking songs and battle scars. With songs rooted in the experiences of being on the road over 200 nights a year, the music is an uncompromising mixture of fun and emotion. Jason definitely wears his emotions on his sleeve. At any moment, he will introduce you to a story behind the song that is often as entertaining as the music itself. He undoubtedly works as hard delivering his songs as he does in living the experiences that created them. Simply put, Jason is a true, original American Country artist.