Godcaster is a lambent pumping heart. Hysterically keen like birds. The sextet of Judson Kolk (vox, guitar), Bruce Ebersole (guitar, bass, vox, keys), David McFaul (vox, organ, guitar), Von Kolk (vox, guitar, keys), Jan Fontana (bass) and Ryan West (drums, percussion) explode in song with emotional heights and devastating passions, as if the most melancholic Beach Boys ballad was played at immeasurable volume. Founded by childhood friends [Judson] Kolk and Ebersole, the band traversed a variety of monikers, sounds, and members over the years until 2018 when the band re-founded with the arrival of Mcfaul, [Von] Kolk and their former drummer Sam Pickard. Fontana, who had worked closely with the band in the past, joined a couple years later, thus solidifying the band's most refined and hard-hitting lineup to date. Godcaster has released two full length records and an EP, toured extensively, and is known for their epiphanous maximalist live shows.