Goblin Cock

[Goblin Cock is a heavy metal side project founded by Rob Crow (Pinback) hailing from San Diego, California. With all of its members taking on stage names like Lord Phallus (Rob Crow), Larben The Druid (Lara Benscher) and Bane Ass-Pounder (Dave Drusky), Goblin Cock is a tongue-in-cheek project which lyrically covers an array of unusual topics.]

Goblin Cock is a band from beyond time, beyond space, beyond your naive concept of dimension in METAL. Since before your pathetic "god" had supposedly "created" you and your kind, Lord Phallus was hunkered in a cybertimeship/fun-dungeon skating the layers of what was considered "true metal" in all societies and in all generations. Eventually His Majesty realized that he really didn't care and launched a full-scale war against bland metal with an emphasis on ACTUALLY HAVING A GOOD TIME!

"SO STUPID!!!" bemoans Lord Phallus as he gazes pensively from the curtain wall of his modest stronghold. "They don't know what they have, nor understand what they can do for one another or how short a time they have to do it in."

Head in hands, the lead singer, guitar-player, and sole songwriter of histories most beloved Comic-Book Metal band knows what must be done. "I must make a gesture", he says. "A frivolous gesture, perhaps, but a dear one nonetheless"

Upon snapping his bony fingers, an immense stone murphy bed plummets from a nearby rock wall, immiting all manner of bats, cobwebs, and forgotten paraphernalia until, coughing and wheezing, the auxiliary members of Goblin Cock appear one by one, shaken and disturbed, yet hungry for battle.

"It's the Humans again!" Phallus intones, "they've made it so increasing hard to for themselves to breathe their own air, eat their own food, love the ones they truly love, or generally have a full life without destroying the lives of innocents!"

"But why, oh Lord?" speak his bandmates in chilling unison, "Why must they all live in such obvious denial?"

"Beats me!", Phallus ponders hesitantly, "but instead of risking you all falling back to sleep through boorish philosophizing, lets put out a new record and get back on the road where we belong before they finish turning this lovely blue sphere into a burned out garbage planet!"

"Hooray for that!" cheer his hyper-enthusiastic bandmates. So, Phallus went to work on his most concise album to date, invoking the spirit of Pure Fun while appeasing his love of Doomed Art.

It is a crushingly brutal Dear John letter to society. It is a rock falling from space that knocks you unconscious that you, in turn, shove in your pajama pocket for safe keeping upon awakening.

These are songs about True Love. These are songs about Revolution. These are songs about 70's Children's Television.

Goblin Cock have delivered an auditory tome of such importance that it needs to be experienced before the Secret Bastards find a way to marginalize it out of existence forever. NECRONOMIDONKEYKONGIMICON. It is their gift to us. Don't squander it.

Past Shows

7th St Entry
7th St Entry

Goblin Cock

with Nightosaur and BUSEY

More Shows

7th St Entry


with Max Fry
First Avenue


with Local H and Sponge
Palace Theatre

Last Podcast on the Left

Turf Club

Will Evans