Giorgio Murderer performs as Giorgio Murderer One Man Brand and with The Giorgio Murderer Publicity Machine.
"In case you didn't notice, Buck Biloxi and the Fucks were on a major hot streak last year. Their records were stripped down and entirely badass. Now Buck has another side project: the synth-minded, amazingly titled Giorgio Murderer. It's not a remarkably varied project—the percussion is uniform and the songs don't go far past the minute mark. Really, the synths are there to add supplemental atmosphere, not to provide an overpowering aesthetic. But everything here is still, at its heart, gnarly. "Nobody likes you," Buck sings, sullen and surly. On the B-side, there's stuff about eating out of the trash. The last couple minutes are just a Troma-style skit where he guns people down who engage him in conversation. Call him Giorgio, call him Buck, it doesn't matter. Just buy all of his records, and probably don't fuck with him." [Evan Minsker, Pitchfork]