Fat Trel

Martrel “Fat Trel” Reeves was a child far more ambitious and cognizant of his surroundings than the norm. At age seven, he professed ambitions to be a rapper, while peers delivered the proverbial “I have a Dream” Speech about aspirations to be nurses, doctors, lawyers, and fire fighters. As peers sat excited by the endless possibilities of the future, Fat Trel sat perplexed by the harsh realities of DC; the placed he called home. Fat Trel exited high school at age 15, caught up in the lure and necessity of street life; a road more traveled when the have-nots impose an immediate call to action. Unconvinced high school education would support his family or cultivate his ambitions, Fat Trel hit the ground running in pursuit of achieving the only dream he’s ever known…to be an emcee and has not stopped running since.


Fat Trel has nurtured and grown his organic rapping and storytelling ability and graced audiences from DC to LA with creative word play and pulverizing flow. Fat Trel’s flow is raw and uncut, some would say as graphic and grimy as the streets of DC, but both memorable and captivating nonetheless. He holds no punches and tells each story with such relativity they appear verbatim, in a matter of fact nature, that illustrates he is genuinely home grown and not caught up in the idea of being from the streets. Fat Trel is no stranger to adversity and sees every opportunity onstage as an opportunity to educate people with an infectious rap delivery that has universal appeal. Fat Trel’s infectious movement continues to build fan bases from the United States to places as far as London because his education and mastery of the school of the hard knocks is simply incredible and like no other. Trel’s messages demonstrate wisdom, street smarts, and “know how” far beyond his age. This coupled with his unparalleled ambition, “rap by any means necessary approach” and The Board Administration’s “No Days Off” work ethic will inevitably turn Fat Trel’s childhood ambitions into a reality and solidify him as a household name.

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