Chaz French is known for his visually enthralling video concepts and culture-shifting ideology. Embracing fatherhood as an inspiration, French states: “The intro to my new project was because of my daughter – just observing her by herself.” He uses this inspiration as a vice to fuel his transparent and raw artistry. The rising MC spends his days touring the country with Billboard chart-topping acts such as Wale and Goldlink – coupled with energetic performances at some of the most popular music festivals including Electric Forest, Hopscotch, SXSW and Fashion Meets Music Festival. Pivotal moments for French’s career also include opening for Waka Flocka at the historic Howard Theatre and Broccoli City Festival in Washington, DC. With the help of 368 Music Group (CCCLXVII), a colorful past, and sharp focus on the future, Chaz French plans to leave a mark that impacts not only the music industry but the world.