Amen & the Hell Yeahs
We started as a solo act, but real bands sound better so we became one. All we try to do is have fun; if that means talking shit about other people so be it; if that means getting too drunk to play sometimes, so be it; if that means dancing like pagans, so be it. If you don't have drum sticks for us to use, we'll take you large spoons instead. We entertain ourselves, but that seems to entertain others, unless they all lie to us. Joe just started playing bass for this band, tyler just started playing drums for this band, and Jeff has been trying to play guitar six years for this band. We'll play pretty much any show if we can swear and talk shit about god. Money is nice, but not needed, we'll play for free, but preferably for beer. If you don't like these songs, get your ears checked. If they turn out to be fine, see a psychiatrist, become heavily medicated, buy a pint of jack, drink it, then come back and listen to them. If that doesn't work, kill yourself.