After spending a childhood and adolescence shuffling through Tennessee and Florida, and soaking in the sounds, 21-year-old Briston Maroney has now settled in Nashville developing a style grounded in the scrappy, authentic sounds of the city’s DIY house parties. Having won over Nashville fans and fans across the country, Briston Maroney is ready to win you over on November 18 here in the 7th St Entry. We had the pleasure of speaking with Briston Maroney to get to know him a little before the show!
Joely: You just released a two-song EP last week, what was your inspiration for these songs?
Briston: The first track was written a year ago and the second was written the day we recorded it! These songs were inspired by the label asking us to record an EP they have now become an awesome snapshot of where I was emotionally at that period of time in life!
Joely: You recently toured with Wallows, what’s a favorite memory you have from that tour?
Briston: The first show of that tour was insane! It was our first European show ever, and one of the most full rooms I have ever been able to play in. The show was fantastic and we got to stand by the merch table and sign some kids shoes after the set, it was an honor!
Joely: Do you have a clear or specific memory related to falling in love with music, and knowing that it is something you would want to pursue yourself?
Briston: My earliest memory of falling in love with music was either finding a CD copy of “White Album” in my dad’s cd collection or hearing Ben Folds Five open up for John Mayer on the “Continuum” tour! Both of these experiences pushed me to want to make my own music for me!
Joely: Being from Florida and Tennessee, and now living in Nashville, how has your music been inspired by these different locations?
Briston: All of these places were full of different memories and cast of important people in my life, and those memories and people shape the sounds I hear and songs I write immensely!
Joely: This is your first time playing at First Avenue, what are you most excited to do or see during your time in Minneapolis?
Briston: I don’t know much about Minneapolis at all, but I know it’s very cold. I hope to run into some arctic wildlife like a polar bear or something. That would be really special for me.
A special thanks for Briston Maroney for taking the time for this, and make sure to check out the new EP, as well as the show at 7th St Entry this upcoming weekend!
Blog by Joely Kelzer (Marketing Intern)