PJ Geissinger aka Starkey is blessed with musical arrangement skills that would leave most composers green faced with envy. This combined with his high production ethic makes him a formidable...
California’s NastyNasty has established his own abstract take on contemporary bass music and defined himself as one of North America’s most unique producers. A heavy helping of heartfelt vocal trickery...
Distal: a 27 year old producer / dj from Atlanta, Ga. who runs the label Embassy Recordings, and producer of bass music with a wide range of tempos. Distal is...
B. Bravo adds a touch of love to every funked-out late night synth groove he gets his hands on. Hailing from California under the influence of west coast GFunk, Roy...
The 7th St Entry is a smaller venue attached to the historic First Avenue. This space was once used as a restaurant area (the “Greyhound Cafe”) in the former Greyhound…