“Masana” is a fictional word created by Kikagaku Moyo to express a Utopian feeling; an existence where everything can interact harmoniously and offer inspiration and understanding. Their fourth album Masana...
D||E are a non-denominational organization dedicated to learning and healing via krautpunk songs that weld the anodyne sounds of classic psych-rock and desert jazz to ear-splitting noise, endless cosmische rhythms...
Good Doom is a psychedelic/low-fi music group, consisting of members Tony, Pat and Gage. Inspired equally by Broadcast, Stereolab, Pram, the Space Lady, Pink Floyd, and Can (to name a...
The 7th St Entry is a smaller venue attached to the historic First Avenue. This space was once used as a restaurant area (the “Greyhound Cafe”) in the former Greyhound…
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First Avenue
with Mortiis, Imperial Triumphant and New Skeletal Faces