The Best Halloween Party In Town
UPDATE: Online sales have ended, but tickets will be available at the door.
Over $1000.00 in cash prizes
(CLOUD) + DJ Greenery
in the First Avenue Mainroom
Hosted by Ian Rans
NESS NITE and HOLIDAE in the 7th St Entrywith special guests NAZEEM & SPENCER JOLES, SLOSLYLOVE, SU NAand hosted by SHRIMPNOSE and DJ WNDRLND
Please note: Ticket valid for each room but subject to capacity.
(CLOUD) knows how to fucking party.
has been helping throw and promote dance parties for over ten years. In 2011,
helped launch a 90s/00s dance party called...
Roy Freid – one of First Av’s original DJs dating back to Uncle Sam’s – was the heart and soul of MF, guiding the night through its seven+ year run,...
Read MoreHost of TV’s Drinking With Ian and the Dive Bar Mitzvah podcast. Local raconteur.
Read MoreNazeem Cunningham met Spencer Joles in middle school, and neither expected to be making music together almost a decade later. “I kind of just went up to him and started...
Read MoreWhen I met Feng Meng Vue, he mentioned that he had never found a real electronic music scene in Eau Claire. It’s possible that’s all about to change. Vue –...
Read MoreMinneapolis native, Los Angeles-based producer Riley Smithson aka Shrimpnose preps for his latest LP, As It Seems, due for release on October 27 via Friends of Friends Music. It’s a...
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