Born at the exact moment the age of Aquarius dawned, the enigma known as Curtiss A began his not-yet ended trip to nowhere. Named after a 20th century Minneapolis downtown...
Allison and Chris founded the band in Tampa, FL in 2005. The two moved to the Twin Cities in 2006 and still play in both markets. Brian Dwinal and Johnny...
RJ and The Soul was the best dressed, least stressed, funkiest band in the whole Midwest. For years, RJ & The Soul had been turning audiences on to their “21st...
Soap Scum is a two-piece garage rock band from Minneapolis, Minnesota. They share interest in bands like Sebadoh, Babes in Toyland, Ty Segall, nirvana and Guided By Voices. Lucas (guitar/vox/noise) and...
The Turf Club is a historic landmark in the Midway neighborhood of St. Paul, MN. Originally opened as a supper club and dancehall in the 1940s, the room has seen…
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Upright Forms, Curve, In Lieu, and Unstable Shapes