The Minneapolis, Minnesota duo Bad Bad Hats are named after a little-known song from “Madeline,” a beloved children’s book series about a mischievous young girl and her yellow-clad classmates. Founded...
On Raffaella’s debut project LIVE, RAFF, LOVE (co-written and produced by Jake Luppen of Hippo Campus), the New York City-bred singer/songwriter confronts and contorts the liminal space between adolescence and...
IVERS is a Minneapolis-based indie band that began writing music in the summer of 2020. Members Megan Fritz, Henry Hughes, Fiona Juarez-Sweeney, and Martín Corral have been playing together since...
First Avenue is more than just four walls, a soundboard, and a stage; it is the epicenter of live music and entertainment in Minneapolis. Having celebrated its 50th Anniversary in…