After several years contributing to the lo-fi hip-hop scene on YouTube, Powfu emerged from a small town outside of Vancouver, Canada, and established himself as a key player in bringing...
Cody Lawless is the indie-pop incarnation of singer/songwriter Cody James Henn. Born in Mission, BC, Cody toured North America under his former project KNOWN. Now, Cody is transitioning from his previous...
Jomie is an artist who has been in the Lo-fi hiphop/rap scene for quite the time, he has collabed with The King of Lofi himself Snøw and Lofi legends Powfu, Rxseboy, Laeland, and Thomas Reid.
The 7th St Entry is a smaller venue attached to the historic First Avenue. This space was once used as a restaurant area (the “Greyhound Cafe”) in the former Greyhound…