Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Freqq started spitting rhymes at a young age. From freestyling with his homies to bringing High Level Rap to the Twin Cities. Inspired by his life...
Yare is an incredibly unique and lyrically conscious Hip-Hop artist out of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has been writing, recording, & performing his music since the age of 19. Yare has...
WOOTZAbility, born and raised in N Minneapolis MN, is a Songwriter, Producer, Engineer, Actor, Model, amongst other interests. WOOTZAbility or WOOTZ for short, pulls inspiration from the name itself. Wootz,...
Mpls Drew has a stage presence you would hate to miss. Ranging from fun, call and response songs, to emotion-filled, event-based songs. Overall a very entertaining act. He’s had performances...
Xpertize is an aspiring artist from the south side of Chicago. Growing up Xpertize was inspired by Chicago’s own Kanye West, Common, Twista, Lupe Fiasco, and many others. Feeling indifferent...
The 7th St Entry is a smaller venue attached to the historic First Avenue. This space was once used as a restaurant area (the “Greyhound Cafe”) in the former Greyhound…
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