The Dinosaur Jr. show originally scheduled for September 14, 2021 has been rescheduled and will take place on September 26, 2022. All tickets purchased for the original performance will remain valid for the new date, so please hang on to your original ticket for entrance.
Please note: Refund requests for this show must be submitted by November 6, 2021. To request a refund if your tickets were purchased through AXS, please contact or use the AXS app. If you purchased tickets with cash at an outlet, please email
Here is Sweep It Into Space, the fifth new studio album cut by Dinosaur Jr. during the 13th year of their rebirth. Originally scheduled for issue in mid-2020, this record’s...
Read MoreRyley Walker currently resides in New York City. But his latest LP is a Chicago record in spirit. The masterful Course In Fable, the songwriter’s fifth solo effort, draws from...
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