Over the past two decades, Cursive has become known for writing smart, tightly woven concept albums where frontman Tim Kasher turns his unflinching gaze on specific, oftentimes challenging themes, and...
Skewed but catchy. Straight forward yet obtuse. Angry but thoughtful: Deleter’s 8-song debut comes in the form of the 4-part “A/B” singles series being released digitally throughout the spring of...
Digital Leather is a synthpunk band from Omaha, NE. Formed in 2004 by native Arizonan, Shawn Foree and his friend, Ryan Rousseau (Destruction Unit), Digital Leather has toured all over...
The 7th St Entry is a smaller venue attached to the historic First Avenue. This space was once used as a restaurant area (the “Greyhound Cafe”) in the former Greyhound…