Growing up around music from his father and eight siblings, it was inevitable that Futuristic would be a natural. The household was filled with hip-hop, rock, and pop vibes, all...
Born & raised in Santa Ana, California, Mark Henriquez better known as Gremlin has been making music since before he was even a teenager. Influenced by his older brother, he...
Big Trip was originally destined to become a professional baseball player. Instead, he paved his own way to becoming a dedicated musician and executive. Starting with no connections, or musical...
J.Rob The Chief is an influential rapper and a highly respected artist out of Phoenix, Arizona. J.Rob is set out to do more with his music than to just personally...
Dave Luv is a skateboarder, sneaker collector, and street-wear enthusiast. The Chicago native, is a rising artist in the Hip Hop scene. Dave Luv’s sound fuses classic Hip Hop components...
The 7th St Entry is a smaller venue attached to the historic First Avenue. This space was once used as a restaurant area (the “Greyhound Cafe”) in the former Greyhound…